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Weather Kimbinga Bandundu Democratic Republic of the Congo
Hourly weather Kimbinga Bandundu Democratic Republic of the Congo
15 Day Weather Forecast Kimbinga Bandundu Democratic Republic of the Congo
Almanac Kimbinga Bandundu Democratic Republic of the Congo
Sunrise Kimbinga Bandundu Democratic Republic of the Congo
Pictures Kimbinga Bandundu Democratic Republic of the Congo
News Kimbinga Bandundu Democratic Republic of the Congo
Climatological average and record for Kimbinga Bandundu Democratic Republic of the Congo

Month Max. Min. Avg.    
January 35°C 20°C 25.8°C 89.6% 0.1
February 37°C 20°C 26.4°C 91.1% 0.2
March 37°C 21°C 27°C 88.4% 0.1
April 36°C 21°C 26.9°C 87.5% 0.1
May 38°C 21°C 28.9°C 66.1% 0
June 40°C 18°C 28.7°C 49.6% 0
July 40°C 0°C 28.5°C 27.6% 0
August 41°C 21°C 31.2°C 31.6% 0
September 41°C 21°C 29.3°C 72.1% 0.1
October 39°C 19°C 27.2°C 86.3% 0.2
November 35°C 19°C 24.6°C 92% 0.3
December 34°C 19°C 25.2°C 90.7% 0.4



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